Cyber Threat Intelligence

2 min readFeb 2, 2022

What is Cyber threat intelligence?

Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) mainly focuses on the collection and analysis of information about current and potential attacks that threaten the safety of an organization or its assets.

CTI enables organizations to gather valuable information and analysis of contextual and situational risk. In threat intelligence, the data is collected, processed, analyzed to figure out threat actor’s motives, targets, and attack behaviors. It helps proactively fight against threat actors.

Types of Threat Intelligence

There are 4 categories of threat intelligence.

Strategic — Commonly used for non-technical audience. It helps decision-makers to understand the risks against their organizations by threat actors.

Tactical — Commonly used for a technical audience. It helps the defenders to understand about threat actor’s tactics, techniques & procedure which they attack against the organizations.

Technical — Indicators of specific malware. Information about the attacker resources, that are used to perform an attack, includes command and control channels, tools, etc.

Operational — Details of specific attacks. Information about the threat actor’s motivations, capability, which includes tools, techniques, and procedures.

Types of Threat Intelligence

Techniques of Cyber Threat Intelligence

Techniques of Cyber threat intelligence


In threat intelligence, hunting is a method of searching cyber attacks that are detected in the network. The Goal of this technique is used to Collect malware content from different sources helps to identify the malicious threat actors, like who they are, what’s their motive, & what techniques they used.

Feature Extraction

In feature extraction, the investigator is used to extract static information from the malware contents in binary format and make them into specific malware groups.

Behavior Extraction

The investigator analyzes the malware content extract unique dynamic features in binary and classify them into a specific malicious group. There is no need for the reverse engineering.

Clustering & Correlation

Defenders classify the malware groups based on feature and behavior extraction and correlate the information to get a better understanding of the attack flow.

Threat Actor Attributes

Identify the threat actors behind the malicious attack. Information about the threat actors, Where the threat actor is located, who’s target, what’s their goals and motive, can be captured.


Tracking involves gathering information about the new malwares. It also help to identify variants of malware, and domain openings.

Taking Down

Once the malware research was done, dismantle organized crime operations. In further, it doesn’t harm the system and organization. If you don’t dismantle them they will just keep coming back over again and again.

Thanks for reading!




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